So it appears that I have a foible or peccadillo if you will. I think that it is something that I have developed over a period of time and would call it more of a concern for asthetics than proper full blown OCD
So here it is ahem …. *clears throat with trepidation*
I have a problem with plates, cups, bowls and mugs.
There it’s out there. I have a problem with plates, cups, bowls and mugs…phew!
I don’t have a problem with these items as items but I do have a problem with these items if they are not white.
Oh God I’m a tableware racist.
So here’s the thing I cannot drink tea or coffee or any other hot beverage in a cup/mug that has not got a white interior. It just isn’t right, asthetically, you know?
People will kindly make me tea in a cup/mug that is for expample blue inside….nope, wrong, it makes the tea a funny colour, not the colour it should be, it taints it. With a white interior things are the colour they should be. People have suggested that I could probably drink from a cup/mug with a brown/black interior, I say to them NO….that just makes the liquid a solid block colour where as it should have an air of translucence about it an opaqueness that is lost when imbibing from a cup that is full of colour.
I can deal with a pattern on the outside of the mug, one that is pleasing to the eye of course, it’s just the inside that needs to remain white. A common horror is the blue on the outside yellow on the inside combo ……..I become very tense at the sight of this, especially if it is coming towards me with a smile and a “here you go” ………
This same thing extends to bowls and plates….the thought of eating tomato soup from a blue bowl fills me with dread, a bowl of cereal from a red bowl…argh why would you?
Of course I have tried to think of things that I could eat from a plate that was say black and I have come up with something ….Sushi…sushi works on a black plate so that I could do. I can also eat delicate cakes from delicatly patterned plates, I could probably manage to eat off of a plate that had patterning on the outside rim if the food is heaped onto the white bit in the middle, I am always on the look out for ways around ths oddity.
This little foible is a bit of a hindrence when eating out, you never know what your food is going to be served on but so far I have refrained from taking my own plates with me I mean I’m not mad..Oh I also keep note of restaurants that use white plates.
I don’t know where this has come from, some call me fussy (I’m not) some call it an ocd (it’s not) some just stare at me with mouth agog as though I am from another world (I’m not), it is just a thing that I have developed and makes perfect sense to me…
So there it is, out there, in the public domain. I feel lighter.
Please note that in no way is this a euphemism for people, I like my people any which way……
This affliction also extends to paper cups and take away products.
Love Mum has the same "problem"! Ur blog cheers me up no end Missy.....keep em coming!